Grad Guide

Get Oriented

On behalf of the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS), welcome to UIW. ORGS在世界大学(UIW)倡导领导研究、研究生和专业教育。. In collaboration with administrators and faculty, ORGS provides strategic direction, support, and oversight to post-baccalaureate education and research at UIW.

Our vision is to empower innovative leaders and engaged scholars to serve local and global communities. Our guiding principles of graduate study are: 

  • To create an atmosphere of respect for each student, promoting individual self-realization, cultural diversity and intellectual stimulation.​
  • To install in each student a spirit of Christian service, based upon ethical reflection, social justice and the promotion of human dignity.​
  • 培养关心社会的公民和开明的领袖,以创造力和责任感迎接未来的挑战.

We are so excited for you during this next step in your academic journey.  Below you will find a guide on getting started as a graduate student. Should you have any questions throughout your tenure, we are happy to assist.

On behalf of University Mission and Ministry, I offer a warm welcome to all students, especially first year students and those new to main campus. I hope and pray that this will be a fruitful and fun year for all of us. As you begin your journey here at the University of the Incarnate Word, we invite you to join us in making “visible and tangible the Incarnate Word of God in the university.” 

Sr. Walter Maher, CCVI
Vice President of University Mission and Ministry

道成肉身的圣言大学是一所天主教机构,欢迎不同背景的人加入其社区, in the belief that their respectful interaction advances the discovery of truth, mutual understanding, self-realization, and the common good" (University Mission Statement). 

There are several ways to get engaged in the mission and spiritual development. 

  • Attend Daily Mass
    • All Faiths Reflection Room located in the Student Engagement Center, Room 3140
  • Get involved with Mission and Ministry
  • Get involved in a student- led organization
    • Catholic Daughters of the Americas
    • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
    • The Fire
    • The Sisterhood of UIW
    • St. Vincent de Paul Society
    • Interfaith Student Organization

Familiarity With Policies

Stay informed of and comply with regulations and policies. All policies relating to graduate education can be found in the Graduate Catalog. For specific dates on adding/dropping courses, registering for graduation, or other academic processes, please review the Academic Calendar. 请注意,除了研究生公告中所述的内容外,个别项目可能还有其他政策. 

Academic Integrity

The University of the Incarnate Word is strongly committed to the nurturing of academic excellence. The University expects its students to pursue and maintain truth, honesty and personal integrity in their academic work. Academic dishonesty, in any form, constitutes a serious threat to the freedoms which define an academic community.

Academic Integrity Policy

Tracking Your Courses

Keep track of courses and meet all university and program requirements to successfully complete the degree. You can see your progress via Degree Works, which can be accessed via Cardinal Apps. Degree Works是一个基于网络的工具,可以帮助学生和顾问监控学生完成学位的进度. 学位工作结合了UIW的学位要求和你已经完成的课程,在一个易于阅读的工作表中,帮助你看到你已经完成的课程如何计入学位要求, as well as what courses and requirements you still need to complete.

UIW Libraries

UIW Libraries support the University's academic programs with materials, 促进学生智力发展和教师学术活动的教学和技术.

  • Graduate Research: Our library staff are available to work with graduate students in developing a topic, evaluating resources and other research skills. Students may also contact the Discipline Liaison Librarian for your field of study.
  • Graduate Computer Rooms: Graduate students may use two rooms on the first floor of the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Library (103 and 105) for individual, quiet research and writing. Students who need to work collaboratively should request a group study room.

For more information go to Graduate Student Services on the UIW Libraries website.

Writing Development

写作专家在写作过程的任何阶段提供帮助,并可以指导研究生如何提高他们的写作技巧. Writing specialists are knowledgeable about document construction, formatting per discipline style guides, and the document submission and format review process.  

  • Schedule an Appointment
    • To make an appointment with a writing specialist, first create an account in WCOnline, after which you may log in and access the calendar to find available times. You can choose either an online or face-to-face appointment.

Any questions regarding writing support can be emailed to

Statistics Consultations

Brainfuse Online Tutoring. Select this app in Cardinal Apps for access to help and tutorials in a variety of subjects in several modalities. 

WCOnline. 寻求统计学/SPSS指导的研究生也可以安排与统计支持专家的预约. 

Statistics/SPSS mentoring typically covers basic statistics and assistance with SPSS software, although more advanced assistance is available. When attending a consultation session, bring a copy of your assignment, course syllabus, and textbook. 

Financial Aid 

Financial assistance consists of various federal, state, institutional, and private programs designed to assist you with financing your college education. 大多数联邦和州学生援助计划都是基于你(和你的父母或配偶)的想法, if applicable) have the primary responsibility for paying educational expenses. Those expenses, or costs of attendance (COA), can include tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board, personal expenses, transportation, and expenses related to dependent care. 经济援助通常是为了满足你从你的FAFSA中预期的家庭贡献(EFC)和上大学的费用之间的差距.

Graduate Assistantships


Graduate assistants are graduate students, first and foremost. 研究生助学金为研究生提供经济援助、教育和职业发展机会. Graduate assistants support the University in its teaching, research, administrative and service missions. 


开放给全日制和非全日制研究生谁是注册在他们的课程根据招生政策的定义, who are in good academic standing and who satisfy continuous enrollment policies. Other eligibility conditions may be applied depending on the type and location of work performed. If the student’s GPA falls below a 3.0 during any portion of the academic year, the student may be terminated by the department from the assistantship during that academic year. 被大学聘为教员(包括兼职教员)或职员的学生没有资格获得助教奖学金. 研究生助理不得同时在一个以上的部门/学院/学院工作,无论其资助类型如何.

Find open positions at Cardinal Talent.

GrantForward Database

“道成肉身的世界大学”已订阅“未来资助机会搜寻及推荐服务”, which is open to all members of our institution. We invite you to sign up to use the service to keep your awareness of funding opportunities. GrantForward (see quick overview video) helps you find grant opportunities that suit your research needs with a database of grants from over 12,000 sponsors which is updated daily. You can search for grants by keywords and advanced filters, save your favorite searches for new grant alerts and save your favorite grants to keep track of them. GrantForward also recommends grants to you based on your CV, past publications and research interests. 

You can access GrantForward at

Registration and Grades

BannerWeb - UIW's student information system, called BannerWeb, allows you to register for classes online, check grades, view the course catalog, etc.

To register for courses each semester you must contact your advisor. They will give you a PIN (that changes each semester) that gives you access to register for courses in Bannerweb. Communicate with your advisor in a timely fashion to ensure you get the necessary classes.

Purchasing Course Materials

The bookstore is located in the Student Engagement Center (UIW main campus). 你可以选择购买课本的纸质版,也可以选择租用或下载电子版(如果适用的话)。. Any bookstore credit will be applied to your UIW ID. To check if you qualify for a book loan or would like more information, visit Bookstore Credit.

Bookstore Contact:
Main: (210) 829-6056
Fax: (210) 829-6057

Student Portal

Many student services contacts can be found at the Cardinal Student Service Center

Your student portal, called Cardinal Apps, provides single sign-on access to many tech tools (e.g., UIW Mail, Blackboard, BannerWeb, etc.).

Help Desk

Help Desk personnel are located at the front desk of the HelpDesk@SEC, which is located on the lower level of the UIW Student Engagement Center.

学生和教师可以把他们的笔记本电脑带到前台进行诊断服务和小型故障排除. HelpDesk@SEC是所有与台式机和笔记本电脑支持相关的电话以及与视听教室支持相关的电话的初始联络点.

When to Call the Help Desk

Call the HelpDesk@SEC or submit a ticket when you have technical troubles or need service with:

  • Computer hardware
  • Software
  • Email
  • Blackboard
  • Cardinal Apps
  • Username and password
  • Classroom technology
  • Meeting room technology
  • Network and more

24/7 Help Desk

After daytime work hours, there is a 24/7 Help Desk Service that the UIW community can call to report problems and to seek assistance.

(210) 829-2721

Student ID

Get your student ID at the Office of Campus Life, located in the Student Engagement Center. Your first ID is FREE! You will need your card for the following activities:

  • Load money onto your card to purchase food on campus
  • Receive access to study rooms in the library, especially those designated for graduate students
  • Check out books from the library as well as be allowed entry after 9 p.m.
  • Gain entry into the Wellness Center, Natatorium, Athletic Events, and theater performances

For more information on obtaining an ID card, visit Campus Engagement.

Student Disability Services

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Subpart E and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the University ensures accessibility to its programs, services and activities for students with documented disabilities.


To qualify for services, 学生必须在要求提供服务和/或住宿时,向学生残疾服务办公室提供适当的残疾文件.

Administration Building, Suite 51
4301 Broadway, CPO #295
San Antonio, TX 78209
Office: (210) 829-3997
Visit the Student Disability Services Website

The University takes all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and is committed to providing information, education, resources, support, interim measures, and clear direction to University of the Incarnate Word community members to prevent and address such conduct. 大学将总是试图回应它知道或应该知道的性行为不端,以阻止被禁止的行为, prevent the recurrence of any conduct of concern, prevent and/or eliminate any hostile environment, and, where appropriate, address any effects on campus from such prohibited conduct.

Report an Incident

Visit the Title IX Website

University Police Department 

The University of the Incarnate Word Police Department is a recognized by the State of Texas as police agency. The interim Chief of Police, Jessica Serbantes, oversees a staff combined of both sworn and nonsworn personnel. Police officers are on duty 24 hours a day 365 days a year, to insure the safety of the University community, enforce the laws of Texas and the regulations of the University.

Located in the lobby of Clement Hall
(210) 829-6030
Visit the University Police Department Website


A parking permit is required to park on campus.

All registered students and UIW employees may register their vehicle and order parking permits online through Cardinal Cars (found in your Cardinal Apps portal). You may register multiple vehicles under the same account.

Visit the parking website for additional information such as parking permit rates. 

Find out where to park or where buildings are located using the interactive campus map

Health Services

The Primary Care Clinic provides health services that focus on primary prevention care, health education and counseling, care for illnesses and injuries, the maintenance of health records and assistance with the University insurance plan.

Services Provided

  • Treatment of illnesses and injuries
  • Blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol screenings
  • Smoking cessation program
  • Referrals to physicians, community agencies and campus resources
  • Health promotion, education, and counseling
  • Assistance with student accident and illness insurance
  • Health promotion, education, counseling and psychiatrist services

Hours of Operation and Location

Closed weekends and UIW Holidays

Monday - Tuesday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

We are located on the ground level of the Agnese/Sosa parking garage. The entrance to our facility is behind the Illa Faye Miller School of Nursing; there is a red awning over the entrance.

(210) 829-6017 

Behavioral Health Services

UIW Behavioral Health Services is a primary resource providing behavioral and mental health services that fosters personal, interpersonal, and academic thriving for UIW students. 我们为学生提供方便和多样化的心理健康服务,以促进整体健康,并帮助他们充分利用在UIW的经历. Consistent with the University’s mission of preparing students for a life of engaged global citizenship, we are committed to social justice and to a campus culture of inclusiveness, respect, and enthusiasm for diversity. Therefore, we engage the UIW community through behavioral health, counseling, outreach, and educational activities. We also provide rigorous training to UIW staff, faculty, and students, 认识到对支持和理解的需要要求发展志同道合和忠诚的个人.

(210) 832-5656

Wellness Facilities

菠菜评级体育与健康系由理查德和珍妮特·塞尔维拉健康中心组成, 安·巴肖普游泳馆、亨利希击剑和国际体育中心,以及校内体育部和俱乐部体育部. UIW体育与健康部门的使命是通过健身丰富UIW社区的生活, wellness, athletic participation and competition.

Military and Veteran Center

The University of the Incarnate Word Military and Veteran Center 欢迎并认可所有正在服役和曾经为保护我国权利和自由而服役的军人. We are here to assist UIW students using educational benefits under Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 教育援助计划和国防部学费援助,以追求他们的教育目标.

This office is located on the Broadway campus in the Student Engagement Center Level 3, Room 3021.

(210) 832-5651

Student Veterans of America

The mission of the Student Veterans of America at UIW is to expedite, facilitate, and reinforce the successful transition for U.S. 退伍军人和他们的家人去大学生活,同时与盟军的退伍军人建立持久的友谊纽带,并指导下一代的军事和文职领导.

The University of the Incarnate Word offers a variety of resources to help students achieve their scholarly, personal, and professional goals. Visit the Student Resources webpage.